Links to Other Sites of Interest (Updated September 15, 2004)

Leader of the Free World
An interesting project looking at global suffrage and the idea of helping you choose a candidate (from among many) based on the best match for your policy preferences.
Dave Leip's Election Atlas
Information about election results in past US presidential elections. The page with information and charts of all the past elections is particularly interesting (warning: site uses frames and is not very Firefox-friendly).
Gallup polls for this election
We doubt if Gallup is any more reliable than Betavote on world opinion, but this site gives a good look at the most-often-cited US polling group's take on the domestic US race.
How the US Electoral College works
A brief but official look at how the Electoral College works, provided by the US Federal Election Commission. For those who haven't heard of it, the Electoral College is the system that is used in the US instead of electing the president based on the popular vote. Since the contested 2000 elections there has been some talk of reforming or abolishing it.
Third-Party Candidates
Information on so-called "third-party" candidates, namely those not running on the Republican or Democrat tickets. They have no chance whatsoever of winning, but it's still interesting to see who's giving it a try. Keep in mind that minor-party and independent candidates have influenced previous elections, and that major political parties are not necessarily immortal.
WikiPedia Election 2004
An informative entry from the swarm of good people at WikiPedia, the web's main free-content encyclopedia. They also have a great summary of the 2000 election.

More links coming soon. You can always find other good sources on Google and WikiPedia. If you have links you'd like us to consider including here, please send them via the comment form.